Royalty API

This document describes how to interact with the Coral Cube API for the purposes of pulling optional royalites paid for specific transactions across multiple marketplaces, (i.e. MagicEden, Solanart, CoralCube, Yawww, Hadeswap, and MMM).

By pinging the API endpoint with a provided API key, the update authority, the collection symbol, and pagination parameters, the API will return sales and their associated royalties paid.


Access to the API endpoint is metered by an API key credential. Your API key for this hackathon will be 0dec5037-f67d-4da8-9eb6-97e2a09ffe9a.

The API key does not need to be provided in an authorization header, but will need to be present in the path.


GET <>


Query-string parameters passed to the API are used for filtering and paginating. The update_authority and collection_symbol parameters are required for filtering all transactions into a subset, and the limit and before timestamp are helpful for paginating.

Query-string parameter Type Required Default Description
update_authority string yes N/A the base58 update authority pubkey
collection_symbol string yes N/A the symbol assigned to the collection
limit integer no 500 the number of sales to return, max 500
before string no now ISO8601 timestamp offset for pagination

Example Usage

$ curl --header "Accept: application/json" "<>"

You can find update authority and collection symbol values on services like Solscan, e.g.:

Example Response

    "metadata": {
      "mint": "ApfFYMVMY1jz4dhyzQTszYJE75pk3v39BELsC4XxMFDj",
      "pubkey": "DH9onfdP3NBJvYphS6tKrGSo853yGCTLd4y54qCoD7o8",
      "name": "y00t #7228",
      "uri": "<>",
      "symbol": "Y00T",
      "seller_fee_basis_points": 333
    "mint": "ApfFYMVMY1jz4dhyzQTszYJE75pk3v39BELsC4XxMFDj",
    "price": 78000000000,
    "market_fee": 0,
    "time": "2022-11-12T23:59:19+00:00",
    "royalty_fee": 0,
    "buyer": "7LyDkFo8WpJ2Lh6nqdgZ73UhwY4dRFtGZgdaSEJqxzbB",
    "seller": "GukHUtac63UQMkvGjicEyZ5SBdtCVPg7iTShxhp8sWYJ",
    "marketplace": "MagicEden V2",
    "signature": "5EEEd17t9DHBYkkbxaBoPdi9zwnDCHvjW5h5vhpKq2JoeoiV1hCkWWWwnCe61dxGyXTd3E84ndWnZUcu79Jkorn"